After the COVID-19 pandemic hit, T-WORX wanted to help. Upon doing some research, we found that the CDC outlined specific guidelines for Temporary Shelters, Hospital Overflow/Alternate Care Sites, and Mobile Field Hospitals, including only a paper-based intake process - PDF intake forms can be downloaded from their website. We felt that a manual intake process was not only inefficient, but also riskier for healthcare workers.
So T-WORX created IDIS to provide a solution for Cities to deal with homeless populations or alternative care shelters safely and efficiently. However, IDIS can be used for just about any healthcare environment.
IDIS can be used with any desktop, laptop or mobile device for inputting data directly into the system and can be shared with any important organization for the analysis and well-being of all. IDIS supports three categories of users:
- Administrators (check-in/check-out volunteers/employees)
- Users (healthcare workers/volunteers)
- Clients (patients)
The result is a comprehensive Infectious Disease Intake & Screening app that includes complete patient location management (rooms, tents, beds, personal item bins, etc.) and patient personal management (temperature, health symptoms, medication, dietary restrictions, health classification, etc.). The IDIS app can be synched with electronic devices such as Face Recognition Temperature Measurement Terminals, real-time business information tools, and real-time informational dashboards.
The IDIS app also includes a complete Admin dashboard, Facility Management, Employee profile, Client Profile, Client Screening and Client History.